
Arab Unity School is committed to the physical, emotional and social well-being of every student. We are committed to removing as many barriers to learning as we can and encourage all student to reach their true potential in a least restricted learning environment. The support provide by Inclusion Support team is spread across supporting students with additional learning and emotional needs (Students of Determination), Gifted and Talented students, and, for students who need additional support in English as Additional Language ( EAL).

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Students of Determination

The Inclusion provisions at AUS are geared to meet the standards set in the Inclusion Policy Framework 2017. At AUS we welcome students of determination, they are not refused admission based on an experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Our identification and graduated level of support is fully in line with the KHDA Guidelines and Directives for Inclusion 2019.

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Gifted and Talented Students

The term giftedness refers to a ‘students who possess untrained and spontaneously expressed exceptional natural ability in one or more domain of human ability. A student who can demonstrate exceptional levels of competence in creativity, performing arts or leadership skills. Our identification is through the analysis of assessment data, teachers’ observations, and parent / student referrals. Identified students are supported with Advanced Learning Plans, classroom-based challenges and enrichment activities.

English As Additional Language (EAL) support is provided for learners whose first language is not English. Support for the identified students is given through in-class and withdrawal session by the Inclusion team.

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Curriculum support

At AUS we strive to ensure that all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We have a graduated approach to differentiating and modifying our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. 

Some students may have an additional need that require the support of an Individual Education Plan or a Behaviour Intervention Plan to meet their needs. The Inclusion Support team at AUS works closely with teachers and other stake holders to identify any additional needs at an early stage and provide the support that will enable each child to thrive and flourish within the curriculum. Our support provisions are in line with the standards of KHDA Inclusion Framework for Schools 2017.  

Student who are identified as gifted or talented are provided enrichment activities through the curriculum. They work on integrated group project and individual project that are done independently under the guidance of their mentors.

As an international school we expect that some of our children will speak English as an additional language, many will be bilingual, and some will join with very little everyday communication skills. understanding and speaking very little English. At Arab Unity School, we celebrate this diversity, ensuring that, with support from our trained English Language team, all of our children will be able reach the cognitive academic language to access the curriculum. Additional support lessons are given to students who are identified to be at a beginner level in language proficiency, while the others are supported through curriculum modifications and differentiation in class.



 Our school offers counselling services to help our students to grown and learn in a positive environment where they learn to give respect and is treated with equality and dignity. The counsellor sessions can be individual, group or whole class based on the need of the individual/cohort. The focus of the session is to teach students find solutions to their personal social and emotional barriers, and develop positive attitudes toward school, learning, community, and society.



The school organizes regular Career Guidance Interface and Career Fairs. While the Campus Career Fair is attended by students in Year 9 and above, the Personalized Career Guidance Interface sessions with the career counsellor is aimed to equip the sixth-form students with information related to university options and help develop explicit employability skills. Parents attend the Career Fairs and Options Evening along with their children and benefit from these sessions.

 In the primary, middle and High school, there is a conscious effort to develop awareness to various professions. Students often engage in role-play, talks and dress-up days to widen their understanding of different professions. Enterprise related projects and competitions are inbuilt into the curriculum, allowing students to engage in business related activities.
