Early Years Foundation Stage

At Arab Unity School we are following the New EYFS Curriculum

This is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2020, new statutory framework to be used from September 2021.

It introduces a new way of delivering the learning and development requirements for Early Years

Baseline and Continuous assessment are being done according to Development Matters and the UK Statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation stage.

EYFS Framework

At Arab Unity School, we understand that early experiences can have a crucial impact on future successful learning.  We, therefore, provide a safe and secure environment which supports children in learning and developing at a pace tailored to different needs.   We follow the EYFS Framework for teaching and assessment.  This is the statutory curriculum for English Early Years providers.

Learning experiences are planned based on three key principles which stimulate the child’s natural curiosity and promote effective learning:

Playing and

Playing Girls Icon


Note Book Icon

Creating and thinking critically

Thinking Emoji

At AUS, children begin their learning journey in Foundation Stage 2.  Throughout this FS year, children progress through a programme of skills and knowledge development culminating in the Early Learning Goals, (ELGs).  This programme is a British Early Years curriculum which emphasises learning though play and exploration, active learning and creating and thinking critically.  Learning is organised under seven key subjects, grouped under two headings:

Prime areas – lay the foundations for children’s success in all other areas of learning and life.

Communication and Language

Communication Icon

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Family Icon

Physical Development

Playing Boy Icon

Specific areas – provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills.


Learning Books Icon


Calculate icon

Understanding The World

Global Geography Icon

Expressive Arts and Design

Painting Icon

Progress is tracked continually through ‘Development Matters’.  This document is aligned with the statutory curriculum and outlines the key developmental milestones that young children should achieve across each of the key areas of learning within defined age bands from birth to five.

Children’s learning and development will be most successful when parents and teachers work together. We, therefore, offer you, as a parent, a regular means of communicating with your child’s teacher as well as providing information on how you can effectively support your child’s learning.

Art crafting
Reading Books
Mathematics class
Water Color art
Cleaning Activity
Students art and tracing

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