Academic Education

Bilingual School Dubai

Bilingual Schools Dubai: A Pathway to Cultural Integration and Academic Excellence

Dubai stands as a symbol of cultural diversity and economic development, drawing people from all over the world. Bilingual education is critical in this lively cosmopolitan center where cultures meet. Bilingual schools in Dubai serve an important role in developing language skills, cultural awareness, and academic success.  Among these schools, the Arab Unity School (AUS) …

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Adapting AI Education

Adapting AI Education in Dubai Schools

In today’s lively educational scene, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has emerged as a transformational force, altering traditional teaching approaches and improving students’ learning experiences. As Dubai positions itself as a global hub for innovation and technology, its schools are enthusiastically adopting AI, realising its potential to transform teaching.   The Arab Unity …

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Guiding Students

Guiding Students Through High School Career Counselling

In the modern age, high school students have countless options and hurdles while picking their future pathways. Career counselling for high school students has grown in importance as a tool for navigating these options and making informed decisions. At Arab Unity School in Dubai, an excellent career counselling programme plays a vital role in guiding …

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The Importance of STEM Education in High School

The Importance of STEM Education in High School

Education is an essential source of knowledge that helps us perceive and understand the world around us. Today, education is undergoing a transformation, with a greater emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education (Soomro, 2019). STEM education focuses on integrating these subjects into a more understandable system, preparing students for the challenges of the …

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Parents Meeting in School

Parents Meeting in School: Crucial for Student Success

Parents play a huge role in their children’s education. Regular contact between parents and teachers can help children feel supported at school. It allows both parties to discuss student progress and work together to help them achieve their best. Parent-teacher meetings are essential – they provide a structured opportunity for parents and teachers to connect, …

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Student academic skills

Academic Skills for Students: Preparing for Future Jobs

Developing strong academic skills is essential for students to be prepared for the wide variety of jobs available to them in the future. At Arab Unity School, we help students gain essential abilities in critical thinking, research, and communication that employers value. This blog will discuss critical academic skills for students that will serve them …

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school for tomorrow innovators

Why School is Important in Shaping Tomorrow’s Innovators

Every great idea starts with a curious mind. Young innovators are born with a natural drive to learn and create, but reaching their full potential requires nurturing environments where their talents can blossom. That’s the gift of school.  Within the welcoming walls of every classroom, the seeds of discovery are planted each day. When children …

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Tips for goal settings

Tips for Goal Setting: How Can Students Achieve Their Goals?

Everyone wants to do well in school, but it’s not always clear how to make that happen. Between assignments, exams, extracurriculars and everything else filling your schedule, it can feel impossible to stay on track. So the question remains: how can students achieve their goals when so much pulls them in different directions? What if …

Tips for Goal Setting: How Can Students Achieve Their Goals? Read More »