Learning Skills
Learning Skills
Teachers will also review how well each child is developing in their journey to become an effective independent, flexible and collaborative learner. These are essential skills for students to be successful in the modern, global world of today and the future. This may include, for example how well they can plan and carry out a task independently or work effectively as a member of a group to complete a project or solve a problem.
There is no test or examination for learning skills. Teachers are increasingly setting tasks and using on-going observations to review how children progress and develop their learning skills abilities.
At AUS, we are developing these learning skills through the SECRET Programme. This provides a framework with skills development benchmarks for all students from EYFS to Sixth Form under six key areas:
- Self managers
- Effective participators
- Creative thinkers and problem solvers
- Reflective learners
- Enquiring minds
- Team workers
Further information can be found at: SECRET Skills